Freshmen - CA state physical fitness testing is coming up.  This is the only state test our freshmen complete!  The "tests" will be done during AVID 9.
March 15 or March 16 -- "Aerobic Capacity" mile run.  Freshmen will warm up with a walk to the NU track with Mrs. Aaron and Mr. Levinson.  The make up run will be April 5, 2016.
April 5 and 6 -- Freshmen will be called to the office from AVID 9 in small groups.  Mrs. Aaron and Mr. Levinson will be recording the following fitness information: Abdominal strength and endurance (sit ups), Trunk strength and flexibility (trunk lift) , Upper body strength and endurance (push-ups), Flexibility (measure stretch in a seated position), and body composition. 
Juniors CAASPP (California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress) Testing will begin at the end of April.  We will be discussing this within AVID 11. Some helpful family resources are provided below. 
Ghidotti may be a small school but we have BIG activities!  Our leadership class is dedicated to making sure our students have access to events that both promote school spirit and a sense of community.  Most of these events are published internally via our weekly newsletter.  
Our students can bring guests to our dances and/or our movie nights.  If a student would like to bring a guest, a guest request form is required (see the dance/movie night guest pass link below).  To get into Movie Night, Ghidotti students need a Movie Night Ticket signed by a parent/guardian. Guest passes are submitted to our school principal who will approve or deny the request.  For movie nights, students and/or guests will be turned away without a signed ticket.
A guest application for dances or movie nights can be downloaded below.

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