William and Marian Ghidotti Early College High School is a public school located on the Nevada County campus of Sierra College. Students take both high school and college classes, earning from 30 to 60 transferable college credits. Tuition, textbooks, and a chromebook are free.
We’re a National Blue Ribbon School. The U.S. Department of Education has recognized Ghidotti as one of the nation’s top-performing schools based on academic excellence and its commitment to ensuring that all students reach their potential.
Is Ghidotti the right place for you? Ghidotti students are highly-motivated, self-directed, enthusiastic about academic challenges, and open to a wide range of experiences. They also thrive in a small, personalized environment where every staff member knows their name and where they have opportunities to meet a diversity of people.
We especially encourage students to apply who would benefit most from free college in an academically supportive environment (such as students in low-income families and students whose parents did not graduate from college).
Have questions about Ghidotti? Contact our principal Stacy Clement sclement@njuhsd.com or by phone at (530) 274-5270.